“I have been collecting, conserving, repairing, and storing antique and vintage linens (white and off white), and printed vintage linens for over 35 years as a hobby. I have several linen tablecloths and napkins where the linen was hand-spun and then hand woven by my (great x 5) grandmother in what is now Germany in the early 1800's. Several of these have been on loan to museums in Australia. I have tried every available stain and rust treatment I can find on the internet - from the March sun; lemon and salt; to name brand products. I purchased my first jar (16 oz) of Mama's Miracle Linen Soak 3 weeks ago and have been amazed. It's removed EVERY single stain that I've treated, and also removed musty odors such as mothballs, old cigarette smoke smells, storage smells, etc. With bated breath, I used it on one of my priceless family heirloom napkins mentioned above. The solution even removed a small RUST spot, and the linen threads were not compromised at all. I would recommend this to anyone for any antique or vintage fabric... assuming of course, that the fabric can withstand water, and boiling water, at that. The one thing I have not tried it on is mildew .. and that is questionable, as mildew by it's nature already has damaged fabric. The key to this product appears to be to use BOILING water - and to use the amount of product exactly as stated. Make sure to test on a small inconspicuous part of an item that has color - especially anything that you suspect was made before 1950. I have already gone through my 16 oz. (have hand washed 18 stained vintage tablecloths and four antique linen napkins), and will buying server more jars later today. The only thing better would be to offer this is a larger size (32 oz or 64 oz) size jar!”